Thursday, January 3, 2008

Starting Solids

On December 26th Caroline started solid food!

We started with mashed banana and I really think she liked it even thought one picture contradicts that. Jake and I felt like she was ready even though she was only 5 months old. She showed all of the signs and I had the week off of work and thought it would be a great time for us as well. She opened her mouth wide and sucked those bananas down pretty fast.

The following week we decided to introduce Carrots. This was a big change from bananas and a note to all moms...CARROTS STAIN EVERYTHING. Shirts, the high chair, spoons, plastic bowls, and even your hands. Invest in a Clorox bleach pen or baby oxyclean. Caroline did not love carrots right away, but has learned, at least, to tolerate them. One night she ate 4 oz of carrots and 2 oz of peas and then fell asleep hard. I called this the carrot coma night.

Next we are going to try small green peas and acorn squash. We will post again after those!

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