Wednesday, January 9, 2008

First Teeth and other updates

The day that I have dreaded has come...Caroline started teething! I cannot decide if I will like her little smile more or less with teeth, but it will definitely be different. The started slow and have really picked up the pace in the last week or so. You can finally see them under the skin and one of them has poked through just a tad. The reason I dread this is because she is such a happy baby and teething has made her a little fussy and she has not been sleeping through the night like she use to. Also, I am still breastfeeding and I just know she is going to bite me some day. We have not been able to get a good picture of her teeth poking through, but I will try my hardest and get one soon.

Caroline can also do some fun stuff like sit up almost completely on her own. This is not the best picture, but it is all I have at the moment. She is sitting in her high chair but the back of it is back and she decided to sit up and play. I cannot wait till I can put her on the floor and she can sit up by herself and I don't have to worry about her hitting her head on the wood floor.

Caroline is also getting more hair! Finally! I don't want her to grow hair so I can put frilly bows in it, but I want people to stop thinking she is a boy. This is one of

our favorite pictures.

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