Saturday, August 18, 2007

Week 3 (Aug 6-12)

Kate and Ed came to visit us for a couple of days. They stayed with us and we had a good time visiting with them. Kate cooked soup for us one night and it was really good. We still have some in the freezer for later.
Thursday of this week I signed up for a pumping class at a local lactation service here in town called Best Beginnings. I had so many questions about pumping so I thought it would be very helpful. The class started off a little slow, but once we go to ask questions I started finding it very helpful. I am glad I went, but pumping is not going to be as easy as I hoped it would be.
Friday was Do's 82nd b-day. We all went to her house and Michele and Debbie cooked hot dogs for us. Jake, Caroline and I went and had a good time with everyone.
Here is a crazy pic of Caroline doing her Touchdown pose.
Jeff and Zach, Jake's uncle and cousin came to visit over the weekend. They would have come the weekend before, but Jeff was sick so just Vicki and Griffin came. They arrived on Saturday around lunch and stayed at our house for a while and then we met them over at Pete and Brenda's house for dinner. We had a good visit and I am very glad they came up from Tampa.

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