Saturday, August 18, 2007

Week 2 (July 30-Aug 5th)

Caroline had her first real bath this week. I assume she did not like anything about it because she cried the whole time. Maybe she will learn to love it later in life.
She does seem to love her bouncy seat and her swing. She loves being soothed by large movement. We have to turn the swing on full blast or she is fussy. Our house is being taken over by baby stuff. We have diaper bags, car seats, the swing and bouncy seat, pacifiers, burp cloths, books about the care of babies, and everything else you could imagine sitting around. Babies have a ton of stuff to be so little.
We are all still sleeping pretty well at night. Of course we take occasional naps during the day. Jake and I are guilty of falling asleep rocking her to sleep. She is such a cuddler and we can't help but love that! Caroline and I attended our first Breastfeed support group meeting on Wednesday. It was nice to meet other new mothers and find out that we are not the only people that are sleep deprived. Actually the mothers I met said that their children, who are a little older than Caroline, only sleep 2-3 hours so we are very lucky. We caught ourselves a good one!
We had a lot of out of town visitors this weekend. Jake's aunt Vicki and cousin Griffin came to visit from Tampa. Caroline and Griffin have the same birthday and were born only 11 minutes apart. Jake's sister Kate and brother in law Ed came to visitand so did my sister Michele and her kids Walker and Will. Also Robin Giles, one of my best friends from college, came too but I forgot to take a picture while she was here.

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