Monday, February 1, 2010


Caroline is a very funny girl. She says some things that make me laugh, so I thought I would share them with you.

We go to a restaurant called Bayou Rouge. Here is mine and Caroline's conversation:
Kelley: Caroline, we are going to Bayou Rouge to meet Grandma and Grandpa for dinner. Is that ok?
Caroline: Yes mommy.
Kelley: Lets get ready to go to Bayou Rouge.
Caroline: Ok. Let's go to By-Me Rouge.

Here is a conversation between Caroline and I, one afternoon heading home from school:
Kelley: Caroline we need to run a few errands before we go home today.
Caroline: Errands? Where are we going?
Kelley: We need to go to UPS and Publix.
Caroline: Yea, Pub-la-lix.
Kelley: We have to drop off Aunt's Kate's Computer and Ra Ra birthday present off at UPS first, ok?
Caroline: Ok, we go to Me-P-S and then Pub-la-lix.
Kelley: No Caroline, it's UPS.
Caroline: Me-P-S.
Kelley: No, it's UPS.
This continued for a couple of minutes and I even made her say it to the guys that worked at UPS. They got a kick out of it.

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