Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Caroline took this picture of our cousin Cody at his last regular season basketball game at Maclay. We love you Cody!

Gasparilla Children's Parade

Caroline and I went to Tampa to visit friends and go to the Gasparilla Children's Parade.

Caroline's big girl room

Caroline got a big girl bed in November. This is what her room looks like now!


Saturday we met up with my friend Danielle and her two boys, Peyton and Preston, at Zoinks.

Monday, February 1, 2010


Caroline is a very funny girl. She says some things that make me laugh, so I thought I would share them with you.

We go to a restaurant called Bayou Rouge. Here is mine and Caroline's conversation:
Kelley: Caroline, we are going to Bayou Rouge to meet Grandma and Grandpa for dinner. Is that ok?
Caroline: Yes mommy.
Kelley: Lets get ready to go to Bayou Rouge.
Caroline: Ok. Let's go to By-Me Rouge.

Here is a conversation between Caroline and I, one afternoon heading home from school:
Kelley: Caroline we need to run a few errands before we go home today.
Caroline: Errands? Where are we going?
Kelley: We need to go to UPS and Publix.
Caroline: Yea, Pub-la-lix.
Kelley: We have to drop off Aunt's Kate's Computer and Ra Ra birthday present off at UPS first, ok?
Caroline: Ok, we go to Me-P-S and then Pub-la-lix.
Kelley: No Caroline, it's UPS.
Caroline: Me-P-S.
Kelley: No, it's UPS.
This continued for a couple of minutes and I even made her say it to the guys that worked at UPS. They got a kick out of it.